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How to Find Your Mission in Life Poster


GOD HAS MADE YOU UNIQUE, as your fingerprints attest. God caused you to be born so that you might contribute to Life here on Earth something no one else can contribute in quite the same way.

    This is your Mission in life, and it has three parts:
  1. Your first Mission here on Earth is one which you share with the rest of the human race, but it is no less your individual Mission for the fact that it is shared: and it is to seek to stand always consciously in the presence of the Spirit of the Great Invisible Lord God. From Whom You Came and to Whom You Will Return. Your primary mission is not to keep busy doing something (her on Earth), but to keep busy being something; sons and daughters of the Loving Lord God. Seek Him. The Missioner before the Mission, is the rule.
  2. Your second Mission here on Earth is also one which you share with the rest of the human race, but it is no less your individual mission for the fact that it is shared: and that is, to do what you can, moment by moment, day by day, to make this world a better place, following the leading and guidance of God's Spirit within you and around you-in every situation you find yourself to do whatever you can that will bring more gratitude, more kindness, more forgiveness, more honesty, and more love into the world.
  3. Your third Mission here on Earth is one which is uniquely ours, and that is: a) to exercise the Talent which you particularly came to Earth to use-your greatest gift, which you most delight to use: b) in the place (s) or setting (s) which God has caused to appeal to you the most: (c) and for those purposes which God most needs to have done in the world.
THE LORD GOD has written this calling in your body's members, in the talents which He lodged there, and in His guidance of your heart, as to those talents which cause you the greatest delight when you use them. You will use these talents either in the Kingdom of the Mind, whose goal is to bring more beauty into the world; or in the Kingdom of the Will, whose goal is to bring more Perfection into the world, through Service, Justice, and Freedom.
DAY BY DAY, your boast will be, not "I accomplished this," but, "We accomplished this, God and I, working together&" For it is always you and God's Spirit, not you alone, who do this mission.
WHEN YOU THUS find your threefold Mission here on Earth, you are delivered from any fear about how long you have to live. You are here to do what you came to do, and you need not worry about anything else. To paraphrase the glorious words of G. K. Chesterton: "We desire life like water and yet are ready always to drink death like wine." For, the Loving Lord God who gave you your mission here, has an even greater Mission of Love waiting for you, in another Realm.

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